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Writer's picture: Amanda BurnettAmanda Burnett

Revelation 12:11 Says: "And they overcame and conquered the enemy because of the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony, for they did not love their life and renounce their faith even when faced with death."

It's time to testify! We need to realize that our past is in the past, it's not who we are today! If you have asked God for forgiveness IT'S GONE! So when you bring it up and ask for forgiveness over and over thinking the last time wasn't good enough God is saying to you "what are you talking about?" Because he has removed it! He puts it as far as east is from west! It's GONE! Now I understand how hard that may be to fathom in our human minds, but that's when the devil comes in stage left, ready to spit out all these lies about how our sin is to great to be forgiven and forgotten, if we still remember it how is God going to forget about it?! Ladies and Gentleman I'm here to tell you the #GOODNEWS God sent his one and only son down to earth to live a sinless life, tempted by every sin imaginable, and then die on the cross to save the world from sin! Meaning he paid the ultimate sacrifice so we may all live eternal life with him in Heaven. So when Jesus was nailed to that cross so were ALL of your sins. When you ask God for forgiveness, that's where they stay! He didn't die so you would have to carry them for life! He wants us all to have life and life abundantly! How are we supposed to do that if we are carrying around a bunch of guilt and shame?! If you aren't continuing to commit sin, whether in secret or open, and you have asked for forgiveness, YOU ARE FREE!

"Who the son sets free, ohh is free indeed!"

When ever we hold in our past that is just giving the enemy more power over us and our past transgressions! I'm in no way saying we need to all make a detailed list of every mistake and horrible deed we've done for the world to see! BUT we need to be more transparent with our past! When we testify and share our testimonies that is a weapon against the enemy. He wants to keep it in to torment you. He knows that if it gets out people will see what God has done for you. When we share, it's so freeing! Think about it, for some people it is such a huge decision to decide to even come to church let alone ask for help! If we all go to church and only talk about the good things we've done, or even worse we don't talk to anyone at all let alone the new person that may look a little rough, we are missing the call!! Who is going to want to share their problems with someone they think has none. We all bare the mark of his grace in some way, shape, or form our testimonies can help others that are or have already went through something similar. This will in turn help you both!

If you are someone like me that has had a bumpy past filled with messy, ugly moments, it's fair share of highs and lows, but now knows the truth... TESTIFY! Tell of what God has done for you! It will make a difference even if it only helps one person... It will be worth it...and it will set you free. Give him the Glory!

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