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Amanda Burnett
Apr 30, 20193 min read
Revelation 12:11 Says: "And they overcame and conquered the enemy because of the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony, for...
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Amanda Burnett
Apr 2, 20193 min read
Just Jump!
How many of you have ever played flag football at some point in your life? Perhaps in school? If your playing flag football, which would...
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Amanda Burnett
Mar 26, 20193 min read
Do they want what you say you have?
Let's start this off with a quote from one of my favorites! #toddwhite "If people don't see Christ in you, they won't want what you say...
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Amanda Burnett
Mar 19, 20192 min read
Being Bold for Jesus!
Why is it that in today's society talking about Jesus has somehow become a socially awkward topic of conversation?! I mean why is it so...
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