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Just Jump!

Writer: Amanda BurnettAmanda Burnett

How many of you have ever played flag football at some point in your life? Perhaps in school? If your playing flag football, which would better your chances of winning the game? A. If you stand there in fear of losing, not moving after the whistle blows making it easy for anyone to run past snatching your flags? Or B. Run as fast as you can dodging left and right to escape the opposite teams advances to catch and take your know actually playing the game hoping to win? WELL the same also can be said about stepping out for Jesus!

#STAYWITHME The enemy is going to try and stop it nothing to get you to believe his lies! So if God is asking you to step out whether that's laying hands on someone and praying healing over them in Jesus name, saying Hi to someone at the grocery store, paying for someones gas that may be in need, or even giving someone a hug when maybe no one else would. If God lays something on your heart, something he wants you to step out and be his hands and feet for, you can almost count on the enemy showing up with a basket of lies about how its not going to work. "You will be embarrassed, they wont get healed, you don't have enough money to be giving it away, that person wont say hi back , you're going to look stupid!" Sound familiar?!? Same tricks every time, recognize who it is so you can tell him to get lost!

Isaiah 26:3 says "You keep him in PERFECT peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts you."

Here it is friends, If God asks you to do something and you don't because you are listening to one of the enemy's lies and fear sets in, it's no different than you standing still during a game of flag football! There is a 100% chance of your flags being taken if you do nothing A.K.A. Losing the game! Just as in life there is a 100% chance that that person won't get healed if you don't step out..BUT if you run and dodge left and right, playing the game to your best ability, there's a chance you could win! Meaning if he asks you to do something and you actually follow through with it you have an actual chance for God to show up! Oh so wonderful when you begin to hear and do what he asks, he will trust you with more, he will use you more! You will begin to hear him louder and louder! He wants to bless you so that you may be a blessing to others and in term what a blessing that is to be a part of another's blessing... That's allot of BLESSING :) We are all called as believers to be his hands and feet, to let others see Him in us! How are we supposed to do that if we don't jump when he asks? I am not naive enough to think that I'm the only one that can help God, I'm fully aware he can and will ask someone else if I miss it on that occasion. BUT I want to hear him when he asks, I want him to use me because I know what he's done for me. And I want everyone to know, I want everyone to get it, I want everyone to know him personally and feel his love and blessings in their life! He is so wonderful, so patient, so forgiving, unstoppable. Trust in him, have faith, and JUMP!



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